My pillars.
A framework for
living a Deeper Life.

Introducing the Five Cs, a framework for a deeper life inspired by the work of Cal Newport, author of Deep Work and Digital Minimalism. Combined with keystone habits and a lifestyle-centric approach, they offer a powerful approach to living with purpose and possibility.

These pillars provide a path to a fulfilling life by focusing on meaningful relationships, personal growth, wellbeing, self-reflection, and moments of joy. Experience the transformative power of the Five Cs for yourself.

The Pillars: The Five Cs

Strive for balance across all five pillars

In the pursuit of a fulfilling life, it’s important to find balance across all five pillars. Focusing solely on one pillar, especially the career aspect within the Craft pillar, often leads to regret. The key lies in recognising the importance of each pillar and resisting the lure of worldly desires for power, material possessions, and fame. These external motivations rarely bring lasting satisfaction. While it may be challenging to overcome our evolutionary instincts, self-awareness serves as a vital starting point. As social psychologist Arthur C. Brooks aptly puts it, "Happy people love people and use things; unhappy people use people and love things."

Develop Keystone Habits for each pillar
(Using an example of creating a running habit)

  • Make it Obvious

    Don’t hide your running gear in your wardrobe, leave it out before you go to bed.

  • Make it Attractive

    Run in an area you enjoy, like a local park or by the beach.

  • Make it Easy

    Don’t create needless friction by getting caught up in complex programs or goals, just run!

  • Make it Satisfying

    If you liked the area where you ran, you’ll enjoy the experience of running there and you’ll feel healthier as a result.

Dedicate a month to one of the pillars

True insights are gained through actions. Too often we read things in a book without doing the action itself. By dedicating a month to focus on one pillar at a time, you gather valuable data that reveals what truly matters and what doesn’t.

In this process, you become a life designer, constantly iterating, reshaping, talking to people, and taking tangible steps forward. This approach fosters a more comprehensive understanding of yourself, while building knowledge and self-awareness.

Repeat this practice for each pillar, consistently embracing the power of action to uncover the insights of self-discovery and personal growth.

Work backwards to a Deep Life by embracing a Lifestyle-Centric approach

Envision your life five or ten years from now. Explore this from every perspective. Where do you see yourself living? What kind of work brings you fulfillment? Who are the significant people in your life? Cultivate a genuine sense of the life you desire—one that is rich in meaning and fulfillment. This is the essence of lifestyle-centric planning.

Tap into the wisdom of Ikigai, the Japanese concept of “reason for being,” to illuminate your path. Ikigai lies at the intersection of four quadrants:

  1. What you love.

  2. What you are good at.

  3. What the world needs.

  4. What you can be rewarded for.

Ikigai is found when these elements harmoniously converge, leading to a life of fulfillment, purpose, and meaning. Find your ikigai.

Then, once you have a clear vision, work backward from there, harnessing the pillars and keystone habits. This systematic approach empowers you to make significant, transformative changes. It's a deliberate journey towards a Deep Life, where each step is intentional and purposeful.

Cabin in the woods
“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
— Pablo Picasso