My perspectives.
How to build a Deep Life.

In my pursuit of a deeper life, writing about personal and professional growth allows me to explore what I’m thinking, what I see, and what it means. If it resonates with others or helps them on their own journey, even better.

Below you can explore the complete collection of all my writing. In the first section, you’ll find a link to the archives of my weekly newsletter, Deep Life Reflections, where each week I share five things I’m enjoying and thinking about. In the second section you’ll find all my long-form articles themed around my Pillars.

I welcome your feedback and comments.

Weekly Newsletter

Deep Life Reflections: Friday Five

Access all my weekly email newsletters

Long-Form Articles

A Different Tomorrow: Recognising Our Future Selves
Contemplation James Gibb Contemplation James Gibb

A Different Tomorrow: Recognising Our Future Selves

Research reveals that our tastes, values, and personalities evolve significantly over time. However, our ability to anticipate these changes is often hindered by the "end of history illusion"—a psychological phenomenon where we perceive our current selves as final. Failing to comprehend this illusion can lead to significant challenges in our decision-making, particularly in major life choices.

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